
Oh Dela with no middle name

This is an apology to my second daughter about how she is already getting the 2nd child treatment. 

One day you will ask to see pictures of me pregnant with you and I will only be a able to show a handful.  For that, I am sorry.  One day you will ask me about what it was like to be pregnant with you and I will only have short answers.  For that, I am sorry.  One day you will ask me what your room looked like and I will tell you that you had the same room decor that Lilly had.  And for that, I am sorry. 

Oh Dela, you are not even here yet and you are already getting shafted.  I promise in the next 4 weeks before you get here that your daddy and I will take lots of pictures of you in the womb.  We will finish your room and try to add some personal touches and I will even order a baby book.  Hell, I might even write in it!

I may not have all the answers now but the only thing you really need to know is that you are so loved and there are three very important people (and more) who CAN NOT WAIT to meet you!


I am that Mother

I recently read a post where the mother explained to her reading audience that the soda in the picture with her child was not an ordinary occurence.  And I immediately thought to myself, "why do you feel like you have to explain that"?
No mother is perfect, especially not me.  So in true form, here are all the things that I do that I will never have to explain why.  Because, honestly, it just is..

I am the mother who doesn't change her kids diaper the second that she wakes up in the morning, unless it is poop (we let her wake up and have some milk first)
I am the mother who lets her kid eat in the living room
I am the mother who will let her kid eat mac-n-cheese everynight for dinner if that is what she wants
I am the mother who will let her kid watch tv
I am the mother who has given her kid sprite, oj (not watered down), tea, whatever is avalable
I am the mother who lets her kids eat m&m's, donuts, cookies, cake, etc
I am the mother who doesn't buy everything "organic"
I am the mother who sometimes lets her kid go a day without a bath
I am the mother who forgets to get her kid to brush their teeth in the morning before we head out the door
I am the mother who lets their kid wear the same pj's two nights in a row
I am the mother that prolonged each vaccination shot (and now she is behind)
I am the mother who has spanked her kids hand in public and I don't care if someone calls CPS
I am the mother who doesn't have a "special" outfit for every occasion/holiday for her kid
I am the mother who didn't make her kid wear shoes until she starting walking
I am the mother who has failed miserable at her baby book
I am the mother who has left her child overnight and more
I am the mother who switched her to whole milk two weeks before the recommended age
I am the mother etc, etc, etc...

I am the mother and guess what, she is turning out just fine!


Almost 2!

How can that be that you are almost two?  And why do you sometimes act so much older than that - sassy?  You are so so sweet and kind and sensitive but you can also be very stubborn, loud and mean.  In one sentence you can so please, thank you and then hit me.  Not nice! 
The biggest thing you are doing this month, and by far the cutest thing you have done so far is to say, "bless you".  This can be for a sneeze, a cough or a *ahem* toot.  You will also say "it's okay, are you okay?"  Sweet!
You sing all kinds of songs and old mcdonalds farm is filled with moms & dads and bye bye blacksheep apparantly only has wool for Lilly :)
Just this week we have noticed you saying the food blessing.  I am guessing this is something new at school that you do before lunch.
We are planning your second birthday which will just be family and couple of friends but of course your momma has made it into a theme.  We are trying not to get too carried away but I still want you to have something fun to look back on.
You had an amazing Easter and are a pro at finding eggs.  You knew exactly what to do and didn't need any help at all.  You had all of your people spoiling you all weekend and then you decided to get sick on Sunday when it was just your Dad and I.  We have enjoyed snuggling with you though because soon enough it will not just be the three of us.
We love you so much and can't wait to see how the next couple of months play out... 


Conversations with a (almost) 2 year old

Me:  Lilly, what color is this?

Lilly:  Lilly, what color is this?

Me:  No, I am asking you what color it is?

Lilly:  No, I am asking you what color it is?

I give up!