
DPD:16 months

Since this is the only "baby album" you have, I feel very obligated to document you the same as your sister.  Oh second child....

  • Body parts (everything is your belly button)
  • Finally putting two words together (usually Bye Daddy as he leaves to go to work)
  • 7 teeth (8th is trying to come thru)
  • I ask you a question and you tell me no and shake your head
  • Obsessed with your babies
  • Obsessed with shoes
  • Telling me when you have poo poo
  • Tons and I mean TONS of hair (you definitely have my hair)
  • Pointing to bruises or scapes and saying bo-bo repeatedly
  • Facing forward in your new car seat and LOVING it
  • Still not interested at all in TV although you do like the intro to Yo Gabba Gabba and Team Umizumee
  • Loves music and musical instruments
  • Loves to dance and will turn around in circles until you fall
  • Eats everything!


And She's Off...

...the floor.
Yes, Lilly has graduated to the next phase of her big girl bed.  (I guess the last phase would be no railing at all)


Blink And She Will Be Off To College

Lilly was a trooper today at her first day of MDO.  She walked right in and started playing with the playdough and other random objects.  She was more concerned about her lunch box than us leaving which I take as a good sign!  Can't wait to pick her up and ask her about her day.  Paul keeps saying "I hope she is having fun". Me too...


The Girls - August Edition

Lilly, 3 years & 2 months

  • Swim lessons are great and she can now swim under water
  • loves to have her nails and toes painted
  • loves to play in my makeup and will almost not leave the house without her lips on
  • soccer and gymanastics are coming to a close as MDO and Dance will now start up
  • likes to buckle her seatbelt all on her own and does a really good job at at
  • can work an i-phone and a kindle better than her momma
  • Picks on sister constantly (see series of photos below)
Dela, 14 months
  • can pretty much run now
  • has 4 teeth
  • has a ton more hair than Lilly did at this age and really needs her first real haircut already :(
  • says mama, dada, eye, hi, mine, that
  • can wave hi and bye
  • says night night and hangs on the babygate to go upstairs
  • can crawl up the stairs


First Post of the Month

It's July 1st and here is your monthly update...

Dela is walking
She still only has two teeth 9top tooth is about to break thru)
New fascination...birds
Uh-Oh is her favorite word
Loves to dance
Is super ticklish
Obsessed with balls
Gives high fives
Needs a haircut but I refuse

Lilly is really loving soccer
Can do her version of a cartwheel
Started going to dance camp for three hours on Wednesdays
Had 2 inches of hair cut off for the summer
Misses the beach
Loves movies
And flashlights
Started saying "what the h*ll is going on in here"  (parents of the year)
Can go to the bathroom all by herself


Double the Fun...

Double the cupcakes
Double the food
Double the presents
Double the friends
Double the hedgehogs
Double the Happy Birthday singing
Double the F.U.N.


Dela: A Full Year

Wow! Today you turned One...

It has been a big year. You came along and we became a family of four.  Lilly had a sibling (that for the most part she loves), we bought a bigger home and I became a stay at home mom.    

You are so different from your sister.  You rarely talk and are sometimes so quiet I forget you are in the room.  You aren't walking yet and still prefer to just crawl as fast as you can.  There aren't many things that you don't eat which is great because I can't stress out about another one of my kids being a picky eater.Oh and you still only have 2 teeth.

You are such an easy baby.  I guess that might come from my experience at being a mom for the second time and having a more relaxed attitude but you really are such a joy.

I remember what it was like before you when it was just the three of us but with you here I can't imagine our life without you.  I hope that this year is just as exciting as the first year has been.


3, 3, How Can That Be?

Lillybug!  Today you are turning 3.  Wow! Where to begin?

You are a beautiful, smart, funny and defiant little girl.
You never eat but have energy for days.  Literally you run until you crash and burn.
You are a sponge and soak up everything we teach you.
You are extremely busy with dance and gym and soon we will be adding soccer to the mix as well.  You like everything so far and are always excited to go.
You love your sister but I do find you being mean to her on a regular basis.
You love to call all of your people on the phone but they usually cannot understand what you are saying.  You have a great vocabulary and can talk well but for some reason you shut down as soon as the phone is to your ear.
You were completely potty trained until this past weekend when you regressed.  Not sure what is going on but we are trying hard to get back on track.
You finally went over the 30 lb mark and are tipping the scales at 31.  (we will measure you tonight on your chart to see how tall you are)
You are saying the funniest things these days.  The latest one is "Whew, that was a close one".

All in all you are pure joy.
Yes, you can test my patience but I would never trade you in.
Happy third birthday sweet girl!


Summer's Coming

Checklist for Summer:
Water Table
New Bathing Suits