
Dela: 2.0 Stats

10.2 lbs
21.5 inches
the noggin looks good at 39 cm
one shot, one oral
go back in a month for two more shots

For comparison, here are Lilly's stats from 2 months
10.9 lbs
22 inches
can't find the measurement on the noggin but we know now she's smart so it must have been good!


Dela: 2.0

Well little girl you are officially two months old today.  Not sure how that is possible but the days are just flying by.
You are a sweet and easy baby.  You fuss very little which is such a change for us from how your sister was at this age.  One thing that you are not good with though is sleep.  Oh how I wish you would (we are talking about at night here my dear)!
You have begun to coo and smile which is the sweetest sounds.  You LOVE the fan and will lay under it and watch it with amazement.  The other day I was saying "Hi" to you over and over to get you to smile and you tried to mimmick my voice and said "Hi" back.  It caught me off guard but I am sure I heard what I heard.  You have also found your fist and are trying to suck your thumb.
One other thing that you are doing is rolling over.  The first time you did it (7/13 for the baby book) I just knew it was a fluke but you have done it several times since.  I guess you will do anything to get out of tummy time!
We don't go for your two year checkup until next week so I do not know any of your stats.  But based on the rolls on your thighs, I would say you are growing just fine :)


Lilly:26 months

So we skipped your 25 month post.  Sorry about that but things were a little much around here.  You haven't noticed though because your dad is doing his best to keep you active and outside.  Every Friday night in June, the two of you have had a date night to the movies in the park.  You have a blast and I think you might have even watch some of the movie.  PawPaw went with the two of you during one of your dates and had just as much fun as you.
You are saying the funniest things right now.  I am trying to remember them all but some of them are:

Don't push me (when walking up the stairs)
Give me that back
Let me think - Hmmm I have a an idea
Oh Maaaannnn
That's not juice (when I give you water)
That's soo good
That's soo delicious

You are also learning your shapes and letters and can count to 25.  Although from about 12-25 the numbers may not be in the correct order and some may be skipped.  You can walk up and down the stairs by yourself and I have even let you walk up to play in your loft all by your lonesome.  (I do stand at the bottom of the stairs and watch when you come down and hold my breath the whole time).

You love your sister although you are getting a little rough with her which we are having to watch.  You might be showing some aggression towards her to try and get our attention and believe me it has!

But the biggest news of all is that you have been sleeping in your big girl bed for a full month now!  You love it and sometimes in the mornings you will just sit in there with ALL of the people you bring to bed with you and just talk and sing.

An Attempt

To get the girls picture taken in the same dress.  It didn't really go very well as you can see...