
Summer's Coming

Checklist for Summer:
Water Table
New Bathing Suits

Walking, Talking, Planning

We are getting close to walking.  Just today, Dela stood on her own several times and then stood up in the pool from a sitting position. Then she started saying Dada.  I got a little worried that she would stop saying Momma and then on cue she started saying it over and over.
We are in the process of planning the girls birthday as well.  Double celebration at the house means double everything (including cake - YUM)...
This has been our life lately, no downtime around here.


Lilly Lately (2.10)

You are quite the active girl since I have become a sahm.  You have dance on wed, gymnastics on thurs and we are looking to add soccer in May and then there will be Mothers Day Out in Sept.  I am going to have to get a part time job just to pay for all of your activities.
You still get very jealous of your sister (especially when daddy is giving her attention) and have really started to act out lately.  Terrible two's are a joke!  It's the three's that I am worried about.
You are pretty much potty trained.  I say this because the only time you wear a pull up is at night and I cannot remember the last time you woke up and it was wet.  I guess I can't say fully potty trained because I am not ready to take you out of those at night.  We even went on a five hour rode trip and you rocked it!
Your birthday is right around the corner and I need to get in full party mode.  I cannot believe that you will be 3 and then I think about it again and cannot believe that you will be three and your sister will be one.  Gosh time sure is flying...

Dela 10.0

Finally you have two teeth!  You are crawling like crazy and you make the funniest faces.  Everyone says you look like me and it makes me do a major happy dance :)
You are really showing your personality and have also recently started showing some tantrums to get something you want.  You are down to 3 bottles a day because you eat EVERYTHING!  This is great because you sister was always a picky eater so hopefully you will not be.
You are still very independent and serious but you are also showing a soft side for all your people.  Especially your daddy. You are finally letting him hold you for more than a minute which makes this mom's arms and hips very appreciative (not to mention your daddy's heart)!

Did I also mention how photogenic you are?

Easter 2013