

Our home computer has been hijacked once again!  We will be out of order until I can fix what our virus proctection software can't.  Pictures will come soon as well as a 1st birthday blog update!


Dear Lilly,

Today you are officially a year old! At 6:35 p.m. (or something like that) to be exact. I cannot believe that this time last year we finally became parents. It was a long road but well worth the wait.

You are absolutely beautiful! Everywhere we go people comment you about your amazing blue eyes. They are killers and we are in for a lot trouble in the future. Well, your daddy is because he takes one look at those eyes and you pretty much can get whatever you want. I am a tougher crowd but you know how to pull at my heart strings as well.

Your vocabulary is small but cute. You can say mama, dadda, dog, bye-bye (and wave), and dat is cat. And of course you still say no and shake your head. It was your first "baby trick" and we still laugh every time you do it.

Your appetite is large. You don't eat much at each setting but you will try everything we give you and you like it all. We recently started to make the switch to milk and you have not even noticed a difference.

Here come the bruises... You have started trying to walk. You really only walk back and forth to your dad and I but soon enough, you will be become brave and strong and let go to adventure on your own. I hold my breath each time you fall forward and backward but I know you will get it soon enough.

Sleep! You love to sleep...AT NIGHT. Which is amazing but there are definitely times on the weekends that I would prefer you nap longer than 30 minutes. Mommy's house is the messiest it has ever been because of this. But, there is nothing like vacuuming with you on my hip. One day I will miss when you don't fit perfectly right there.

We are BFF! You love to go shopping with me which makes daddy a little nervous. It doesn't matter where we go as long as I take you with me. I can't wait for the day that we get to do "girly" stuff like manis and pedis.

You are petite but your heart is large and full of love for your dad and me. There is nothing better than your smiles and hugs in the morning, the sound of your little hands hitting the floor when you crawl or to hear you call our names. There is nothing more peaceful than the way you breathe when you sleep nuzzled into our necks. There is nothing more satisfying than knowing that we made you and you chose us and we are a happy family.

We love you bug!