
Zulily Fail

If you know me, you know I love the website Zulily.  BUT, for all the girl moms out there be warned!  If I catch your daughter wearing this I will have to say something (and it won't be pretty)...



2.5 and 6

Lilly - 2 1/2 years old!

My firstborn, my beautiful, sweet, loving little girl! You are getting to be such a soft hearted person. You run to us and give us the best hugs all while telling us "I love you so much". Melts.our.hearts.
You are potty training and just in the last week it has gotten so much better. I am hoping that pull ups are on their way out the door!
Last week at the doctor’s office, I got a tear in my eye when you graduated to the stand on weigh machine. No longer do you have to lie on the baby scale :(
You love your sister so much and tell her all the time "I so proud of you".
You have a wild imagination and play well with others and by yourself. I hear and see you all the time recreating a scene in a movie. I think you may be a drama major :)
Your dance class is going well and you really enjoy it. You especially like to tap.  You performed this past weekend at Budafest and you were one of the only ones who actually completed the dance.  Again, you love the stage and audience!
The only way to get you to sit still is to turn on a movie which you will promptly ask "You wanna lay with me"?
You are very funny as well. While we were on our Thanksgiving trip your dad caught a load of fish. When you saw them you asked "Are you going to cut them"? And then you said "Yum, so good"!
Food has become your friend and you frequently will only eat meat now. Quite the change from just a couple of months ago when all you would eat every night was mac-n-cheese. You still constantly drink milk but now you will tell us if you want it hot or cold.
I love the little person you have become and the conversations that we can have. But girl, slow down...

Dela - 6 months

There have big changes with you this month. You are sitting on your own, trying to hold your own bottle and you have begun to try real food. Back up, we have started working on your pinching skills with puffs.
You have used your knees to lunge but I do not think you will be crawling anytime soon.
You got your first nasty cold this month and although the urgent care people called it croup, I was hesitant to believe it. Sure, enough your real doctor called bullsh*t when she heard your cough. Definitely a case of rsv (which is what this momma really thought it was). Nothing we can do except what we were already doing and she said you will be fine.
The biggest change of all is that you are sleeping in your own room. AND, you actually sleep! I decided when we got home from Thanksgiving that I was not even going to set you back up in our room. I am guessing that you liked that decision because you have slept thru the night except for one night in the last two weeks. HALLELUJA!
Yesterday at the doctor, your stats were 25% in height, 25% in weight (14.4lbs) and 50% in head.  Doctor told us you were perfect but we already knew that!



Our Life in Pictures - October Edition

Parade of Cultures at School

Parade of Cultures at School 

Time for Sophie - Teething Sucks!

Daddy had a good day fishing!

Yes I took a picture of Lilly's first poo in the potty!

First Foods

Sitting pretty!

Pumpkin Patch & Halloween

Who's Who


Halloween 2012

The Garden Gnome


Conversations with Lilly

I promised myself  would journal these conversations/expressions down before I forget them...

Lilly:  Ouch!
Me: What hurts?
Lilly:  My Pride

Me:  Lilly, come here so I can change you
Lilly:  No, that's not okay

Lilly:  I want a banana (looking at bananas on the counter)
Me: You already had a banana and it will make you poop
Lilly:  I don't wanna poop anymore

Lilly:  Mommy (Or Daddy or Dela), I so proud of you.

Lilly:  That's amazing (her new expression for everything)

Paul: Lilly, did we have fun at the park today or what?
Lilly: What


Dela: 4.0

My sweet baby girl is 4 months old today.  Some highlights are:

  • found her feet
  • belly laughs
  • drool, drool, drool
  • holding and grabbing things in her sight (including my hair)
  • longer sleep stretches (but still no where close to sleeping thru the night)
  • still sleeping in our room
  • loving anything her sister does (watches her and laughs all the time)
  • swinging for the first time
  • going for walks in the big girl stroller (need to invest a double bob)
  • rolling from her back to her stomach
  • eating 5 ounces at a time
  • crazy, crazy hair
  • blowing bubbles and spitting
  • moving in circles when having floor time
  • loves her bath
  • and overall just a sweet, chill, happy girl!
Update:  you weigh 12.2 lbs (right under 25%), can't remember your height but it is less than 10%.
So that is why you look so roly-poly...you are short! 


Lilly - 28 Months

Just some bullet points on what is going with our Big Girl!

  • In the car, you have begun to tell me "this way, now that way, now this way" when we leave our neighborhood.  We are in now in the process of teaching you that this way and that way are left and right.
  • Potty training is going s-l-o-w-l-y.  Your school is doing an excellent job.  Your parents suck!
  • Said potty training has now graduated to pull ups (per your teachers instructions)
  • We officially watch movies now. Your favorites are How to Train your Dragon and Ice (Ice Age)
  • Dora the Explorer and Diego are your new must haves for tv watching
  • You can climb up the stairs on your swingset all by yourself.  I don't even stand under you anymore.
  • We need to get you a big girl swing because you are getting too big for the baby swing :(
  • You have mad coordination skills and can throw, catch and kick just about any type of ball
  • We need to get you into a soccer class
  • Instead, I enrolled you in a ballet/tap/tumbling class.  It really is tutu cute...
  • Nothing is safe on the countertops.  You frequently bring me things that I just thought were out of reach.
  • Your vocabulary is amazing as are your conversations with us.  It is so nice to sit and have talks with you.
  • Your appetite sees good days and bad.  Some days its only mac-n-cheese while other days you will eat all the meat I put on your plate.  I always offer you a variety in hopes that one day you will eat it all :)
  • Milk is still your drink of choice first thing in the morning and the last thing before bed
  • You make up songs just like your dad
  • You have a lisp just like your dad
  • You still look JUST LIKE YOUR DAD


Dela: 3.0

You were officially 3 months yesterday.  We celebrated by taking your sister to a bounce house and letting her run off some energy.  Yesterday was also my last day home with you since I go back to work and you will start school on Monday.  I feel pretty good about your class right now though because there are usually only 5 babies and there are 3 teachers.  I know this can change day to day (they take up to 8 babies) but it will have to work for now.  I think you will get a lot of loving while you are there.  We will see how long I can make before I decide to either stay working or become a SAHM.
Today you are weighing in at 11 lbs!  You smile, coo, laugh and are just all around a happy baby.  You still aren't a great sleeper but you give me enough nights of long stretches that I can make it thru the week :)
Dela you are a wonderful addition to our family and we all love you soo much.  Sister can't wait for you to grow and play with her but just don't grow up too fast!


And Lilly Too...

All Smiles

Where Does Milk Come From?

Silly question!  Of course it comes from your belly button!


Dela: 2.0 Stats

10.2 lbs
21.5 inches
the noggin looks good at 39 cm
one shot, one oral
go back in a month for two more shots

For comparison, here are Lilly's stats from 2 months
10.9 lbs
22 inches
can't find the measurement on the noggin but we know now she's smart so it must have been good!


Dela: 2.0

Well little girl you are officially two months old today.  Not sure how that is possible but the days are just flying by.
You are a sweet and easy baby.  You fuss very little which is such a change for us from how your sister was at this age.  One thing that you are not good with though is sleep.  Oh how I wish you would (we are talking about at night here my dear)!
You have begun to coo and smile which is the sweetest sounds.  You LOVE the fan and will lay under it and watch it with amazement.  The other day I was saying "Hi" to you over and over to get you to smile and you tried to mimmick my voice and said "Hi" back.  It caught me off guard but I am sure I heard what I heard.  You have also found your fist and are trying to suck your thumb.
One other thing that you are doing is rolling over.  The first time you did it (7/13 for the baby book) I just knew it was a fluke but you have done it several times since.  I guess you will do anything to get out of tummy time!
We don't go for your two year checkup until next week so I do not know any of your stats.  But based on the rolls on your thighs, I would say you are growing just fine :)