
14 Months & Other Happenings

We're baaaaccckkk! Missed us didn't you?

Lilly is bigger and better everyday. She is very into walking running, sitting still climbing, being quiet talking and just plain on being stinking cute beautiful! Seriously this kid is everywhere! Her vocabulary now includes "book" where she will then go pick one out and read it. She is very into sitting on your lap if you are on the floor. It is extremely cute when she turns around and backs up into your lap. She is also into shutting doors, but this could become a problem because she can't open them. She will shut the door and then scream for you to open it. Our sleeping has gone down the toilet! I do not know what has happened. The only thing I can find on the web is that she is dreaming or having night terrors. For the most part it only takes minutes to soothe and put her back to sleep. We on the other hand take a little longer to lay back down which is making for some pretty tired mornings.  She gives open mouth kisses when you ask for one and she will sing Twinkle Twinkle with you.  She also throws her hands in the air when you say "ta-dah". 

July 4th was a ton of fun even if Lilly couldn't participate. We took the RV down to the San Marcos River to camp/swim/tube. Unfortunately Lilly has had a rash and we decided that the heat just isn't the best thing for her right now. So off to the grandparent’s house she went. I was pretty sad that she wasn't with us but I know she had a blast and was spoiled rotten as usual.

Starting July 18, Lilly will be going to a new daycare. We decided that the place she was at now was just not the best that we could do for her. So we are going to tighten our belts and give her the best! Her new place is called Primrose. The curriculum there is amazing and all the kids I know that attend a Primrose school are pretty darn smart. They also have a private kindergarten program that she can attend if we want her to stay out of public school the first year. We are very excited about this move and Lilly will be too!

We do have a new computer finally and as soon as I can find the cd to install out Nikon program I will  download some new pictures.