

Lilly meets Dela
It did get better
And better

Table for 4


Dela Peyton Daugereau
born on May 24, 2012 at 7:48 a.m. weighing 6.13 lbs and19 inches long

Birth story to come in the next post...


The Big 2


Today you are turning 2! Where did my baby go? You are smart, curious, beautiful and full of joy. And you have turned our hearts to mush. Never in a million years did we think that we could love something so much!
Don't get me wrong. You do test our patience when you test your limits but we have to just sit back and remind ourselves that you are just learning as you go. And so are we...

You are a talker. You constantly ask, "What's that"? You love to repeat everything. The latest being "oh my gosh" which is what mommy is trying to say more of these days than what would normally come out of her mouth. Sometimes you say the funniest things. At dinner one night, you tooted. You said, "No poop, just toot". On any given day it is like we press the play button and EVERYTHING that you said and did that day comes pouring out like a concert. You are definitely our favorite source of entertainment.

You have no fear. You walk up the slide, you slide back down on your stomach and then you do it all over again. You can climb the ladder at the park and when you get to the top you express "I did it"! You are so proud of yourself. You still love to swing and you love to go high. We can always get you in a good mood doing anything outside. You love to run and will always tell us that you can run fast. I cannot catch you with my pregnant self and daddy isn't much faster. We really have to watch you when we are out and about. I may have to invest in one of those toddler leashes. I always made fun of people that used those and now my karma is coming back to harm me.

Lately you have been acting like you are biting me, then you kiss it and say "your okay". You are also doing this with your baby dolls. You are very motherly which may come in very handy in the coming months.

You are petite and can still wear most 18-24 month clothing. I have invested in and been given 2T clothing but most brands are still large on you. But you are in a size 5 diaper. Sorry sweetie but you got my thighs! Food is still not your favorite unless it is in the form of a cookie. You are still enjoying your milk in the morning and at night.

You are NOT a shopper. In fact, you HATE it. No one believes me until they take you somewhere and they get to witness it for them. That is when they get to see a side of you they didn't think existed. I of course just laugh and say I told you so.

There are big changes coming to your life. Your baby sister will be here in a couple of weeks. I don't really know how to explain to you what is going to happen because I was a baby sister and your dad only had a baby brother. Hopefully the transition is smooth and you love her with everything you have. And I promise your dad and I will continue to love you with everything we have as well.


We have internet, Yes we do

We have internet, How about you?

FINALLY!  We are up and running at the new house.  Expect a picture overload soon!!!