
3, Three, Tres

So Dela is 3. The little is growing up.
As usual (or tradition?) we threw a double birthday party for her and her sister at the Jumpy Place.  Her friends Wren, Keats and Connor were there as well as G and Hud.  She had a great time.  On the morning of her birthday we were in Lake Charles with family and she wanted nothing to do with it being her birthday. We all sang and she was not impressed.  Typical for her.  Two days later though she asked if she could have her birthday again.
She got a trampoline from us, a kindle from gg/pawpaw and college funding from Nanny/Poppa (plus $ for new bathing suits).
She is all girl!  She likes dresses and babies/barbies and shoes and tutus.  She likes to dance and sing.
We still aren't potty trained but we are working hard on it.  And we still have a million paci's.
Starting in September she will attend a MDO church two days a week.  She is already telling me she doesn't like school.  Should be fun!