
Dela: 3.0

You were officially 3 months yesterday.  We celebrated by taking your sister to a bounce house and letting her run off some energy.  Yesterday was also my last day home with you since I go back to work and you will start school on Monday.  I feel pretty good about your class right now though because there are usually only 5 babies and there are 3 teachers.  I know this can change day to day (they take up to 8 babies) but it will have to work for now.  I think you will get a lot of loving while you are there.  We will see how long I can make before I decide to either stay working or become a SAHM.
Today you are weighing in at 11 lbs!  You smile, coo, laugh and are just all around a happy baby.  You still aren't a great sleeper but you give me enough nights of long stretches that I can make it thru the week :)
Dela you are a wonderful addition to our family and we all love you soo much.  Sister can't wait for you to grow and play with her but just don't grow up too fast!


And Lilly Too...

All Smiles

Where Does Milk Come From?

Silly question!  Of course it comes from your belly button!