
I'm A Big Kid Now...

Today marks a BIG day!  Lilly has officially moved into the next classroom with the other "big kids"!  Not only does she have some familar faces to play with (all of the kids in her next class were also babies with her in the infant room but she was the youngest) but she will now be sleeping on a cot.  It is a little bed that is slightly off the ground.  During her practice run yesterday, she slept for 1.5 hours on that bad boy.  If you know Lilly, you know this girl does. not. nap.  Can't wait to see if she gives me that much time off this weekend!


1 year, 1 month

Okay, Okay, in baby world that is 13 months. 13 MONTHS! Holy cow I can't believe you are 13 MONTHS! Last night I was thinking about how many months it is until Christmas (because it has already reached a 100 in Austin) and then I thought about how much fun you are going to be this year. And then I thought, OMG she is already 13 Months! Okay I will stop with how old you are now.

You are everywhere and you walk to get there. You took your first steps before we left for Mexico and when we came back from our trip, you were basically running. Okay maybe not running but you are getting around pretty well on your two feet. The two feet that finally fit into more than one pair of shoes. YEAH! Now we can maybe start wearing all those shoes that your Aunt Shannon spent a ton of money on.

Milk - it does the body good and you are finally getting a little chub on you. We are down to milk just three times a day and for the last two days; those feedings have been out of a sippy cup. I have to admit that I was nervous about taking the bottle away but it is just like you to not even notice. I had heard horror stories of taking it away but nothing fazes you! As long as I still give you the goods, you don't care what I put it in. I should have done it months ago. I will not be sad to pack those bottles away!

Your vocabulary is growing and you are starting to put words together. Most of those sentences start with
Hi _______. Hi Fishy, Hi Kitty, Hi, Hi , Hi. You supposedly say Poppa but I have never heard it (although Dad, Paul's mom backs you up on this because Lilly sad it at their house). You have also said Elmo and Eric. Sometimes you say something and your dad and I swear we hear a word but we don't claim it yet. Until you say it more than once, I won't count it.

You still eat pretty well but you have become a little picky. You definitely have your favorites (meatballs!) and you still don't like fruit - AT ALL! Except bananas but how many of those should you really eat in a day? I am slowly introducing you to strawberries again and so far you have not had a reaction again. And I guess we can add them to the list because you seemed to like them.

Lilly - you continue to amaze and entertain us. Never did I think that spending a Friday night making Elmo laugh would be so much fun. We can't wait to see what the next month brings us...


Goodbye My Friend

You were our first baby and I am sad that Lilly will not remember you.  Our winter fires will never be the same without you and each time I look at the sago palm in the backyard I will think of you.  You were the best and we will miss (all 28 pounds) you!

Freddie 1997-2011


Party Like It's 1999

Boy do we like to throw a party and for Lilly's first birthday, nothing was spared!  After months of planning, fretting, sweating and saving, the big day was finally upon us.  From the water table, to the ball pit, to the tunnel scape and back to the swing, there were activites for all the age groups.  Speaking of the swing, Poppa did such a great job!  I don't know how it was done, but my Dad, Paul and my brother built a swing in two days and it is amazing!  Lilly will get MANY years of use out of it!
As far as the rest of the loot, she made out like a bandit.  We definately have enough toys to host playdates now.  I have no idea where we are going to put everything and if I buy her a toy in the next 6 months I am going to put myself in time out.  haha!
Her smash cake never got "smashed" because just like her daddy, she HATES her hands to be dirty.  We tried and tried to get her to smush it but she just would not have it.  In the end, she did eat a little of it but only after I took the icing off and only gave her the cake.
I think the party was a success and if there was any indication that it was, all the parents were having such a good time that it lasted well into the late afternoon.  That's how we roll around here....