
21 & 22 Months - Where did they go?

So Lilly turned 21 months and we moved.  Somewhere in there she turned 22 months and we are still moving.  Too much going and the weather has been too nice not to enjoy it.  Therefore I have not finished unpacking, I have yet to sign us up for internet at the new house and I have been way to busy to blog from work.

Here's your bullet points brought to you by a very lazy and pregnant mother...
  • Limits - she test them and still proceeds to cross the line
  • Biting - she has been getting bit at school (she is not the only one) but she tells me who it is.  "Jackson, no bite Lilly, hurts" This Jackson kid better watch out!
  • Food - she is not a fan of much unless it is a french fry, mac-n-cheese, cube cheese, yogurt or m&m's
  • Food again - she has pretty much mastered the fork and spoon
  • Drinking - she can drink from a cup although I still prefer the sippy (new house, new carpet)
  • Potty - she ask to poo poo in the potty where she proceeds to take off her diaper.  I then try to set her on the potty and she screams bloody murder.
  • Singing - this girl has a set list a mile long.  Most songs we know, some Paul and I look at each other like "what the ____".  Guess we need to spend a day at school to brush up on our nursery rhymes
  • Talking - (all.the.time)  in sentences, repeating, memorized lines from a show she watches, etc.  My new favorite is "I'm coming mommy" or "I'm coming daddy" as she runs toward us.
  • Sister - she pulls up my shirt, points at my belly button and then pulls up her shirt and does the same.
  • Spring - this girl is all about outside, sidewalk chalk, playing in the driveway with all of her ride on toys and BUBBLES

Someone has a birthday coming up soon.  We have opted for a much smaller gathering instead of the all out blowout we had last year.  I can't believe she will be two!  I guess the present is already done since we are getting her a sister this year.  Think she will like her gift?