
1st Christmas

I had an accident in my Christmas nightclothes so the puppies were a backup!

Twas the Night Before Christmas...

Remember the "calm before the storm"?  Well, once I was over my illness, Lilly decided it was her turn.  The Thursday before Christmas, I took her to the doctor because of a cough that she had.  Turns out she had a sinus infection, and ear infection and bronchitis.  You would never have known though because she never ran fever and she is always all smiles.  It hasn't slowed her down! For Christmas eve, we went to Paul's parents house in Kyle for our traditional gumbo and gifts.  Lilly got a wagon from her grandma & grandpa.  As soon as she is better, and the weather warms a little, we will take her out for a spin.  Then again, all you need is a big kitchen for this girl! 
Me, My Grandpa and my new wagon

Grandpa took for a spin

Don't you mess with my TuTu!

Calm Before The Storm

The weekend before Christmas, we celebrated "Christmas" with my side of the family.  Dad and Linda bought a great house in Fayetteville (about 1.5 hours from us) so we all loaded and up and headed down there for some lunch and gift exchanging.  The day was great!  Great weather, food and gear for Lilly.  We were in the car headed back home and I told Paul that I was not feeling well and that my throat was literally on fire.  He thought maybe it was cedar since there were several Cedar trees on the property.  By the time we got home, I was burning up with fever and could not swallow because of the pain.  Diagnosis: Here's to strep throat season!  After a couple of days of rest and drugs, I am good as new and ready for Santa!

In her big girl chair from Poppa and Nanny

Standing in her new toy box from Uncle Kevin, Aunt Shannon & Beckett


7 months and Santa

Now that Lilly finally figured out how to roll, she is rolling everywhere.  We cannot contain her anymore!  She is also learning to wave bye bye but Paul and I each wave differently.  So we have caught her waving one hand the way I do and one hand the way Paul does.  It is pretty funny!
On Saturday, we took her to see Santa.  This year the picture is great.  Next year will be the screaming toddler!


The Griswalds

It's beginning to look at lot like Christmas at our house.  I've have asked Paul for years to get our tree the weekend after Thanksgiving and to put lights on the house.  The answer has always been the same until this year.  Man that little girl gets everything she wants!

A Lost Duggar?

If you think my mommy dresses me like one of the Duggar children, please tell her to stop!

Thanks(giving) For The Memories


I'm Thankful For...

  • Paul (my partner in crime)
  • My health and my family's health
  • Grandparents (who often give Paul and I a break to have a glimpse of our past life)
  • Freddie (even though he has not gotten much love this year due to the new addition)
  • Friends both in Austin and Beaumont (even if we don't see them as often as we use to)
  • My home
  • My Job (and the check that they deposit every month into our account to pay for said home)
  • Paul's Job & Amazing Insurance (and the check that they deposit every other week into our account to pay for etc)
  • Saturday and Sunday (so I can hang out with the family)
  • TJ Maxx, Target, Ross, Marshalls, Home Goods, Kohls, Babies-R-Us, Hobby Lobby (I am thankful there are other places to shop besides the mall - yes I am a shopaholic)
But what I am most thankful for is Lilly!  This has been the best year because of her and I cannot wait to share the holidays with her.  I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving.  Gobble-Gobble!


Oh - Hello

Pretty in Pink

Lilly is excited to tell everyone that she can FINALLY roll over!  And she thinks it is hilarious!


We Grew!

Lilly had her 6 month appointment yesterday.  We are no longer in the 10% in height!
She weighs 15.9 (25-50%) and is 26in long (25%)
Her head is now measuring @ 41cm which puts her in the 50-75%.  So she is getting some smarts too!


We Should Be Embarrassed

But we aren't.

From Halloween 2010 at the Goodwill Ghoulswill Ball. The theme was "Flashback to the 80's".  We also made the front page of the program on the Thank You email that went out to a million people!  Boy we are popular this year!


No, No, No

Please excuse my voice (you know I am from SE Texas and it shows)!

Patio Entertainment

Girls Can Sport Mohawks Too!



Wow! Wow! Wow! Has it already been 6 months? I can't believe my little girl is growing soo fast!
Lilly love, love, loves to give hugs and kisses (and receive kisses).  She will act like she is just staring at you and then she will literally attack your cheek.  Freddie has become her new toy and if he is near, she will stare at his tail and then go in for the attack.  I say "gentle" and then she attacks his face.  Thank goodness he doesn’t have claws and will just get up and walk away instead of attacking her back.
She is also officially sitting on her own.  We will still put the boppy behind her for the occasional fall but for the most part she is steady.  We have even seen her fall backwards and be able to lift herself back to a sitting position.  Talk about some good stomach muscles for that!
She is still mostly just eating cereal with fruit but we have tried sweet potatoes and sweet peas.  She loves sweet peas so check that off as another thing that she got from her daddy.  The only food that we have come across that she does not particularly care for are peaches.  And even I have to admit that they smelled and tasted bad.  It is still a complete mess when she eats and is still a fight to keep her thumb out of her mouth for each bite.
Speaking of thumbs...yes we still suck our thumb!  Daddy will buy her new teeth later.
Paul and I are really enjoying every minute of her and cannot wait to see what news things she will do next!  Just tonight, if you say no, no, no she will shake her head back and forth.  Boy are we in trouble!


Lillybugs First Halloween

For Halloween we spent the day at Grandma's in Plum Creek.  Boy do they have a lot of trick or treaters there!  And the dads even dress up which has me thinking of a themed family costume for next year...just kidding Paul!  Really it was a great time and Kevin, Amy & Nash even came out for candy, chili and converstion.  I think fun was had by all!

Pre-Trick or Treat Time

Hanging out in Plum Creek before all of the Halloween festivities...

In my room at Grandmas.  They just thought I was going to take a nap!