
The Girls - August Edition

Lilly, 3 years & 2 months

  • Swim lessons are great and she can now swim under water
  • loves to have her nails and toes painted
  • loves to play in my makeup and will almost not leave the house without her lips on
  • soccer and gymanastics are coming to a close as MDO and Dance will now start up
  • likes to buckle her seatbelt all on her own and does a really good job at at
  • can work an i-phone and a kindle better than her momma
  • Picks on sister constantly (see series of photos below)
Dela, 14 months
  • can pretty much run now
  • has 4 teeth
  • has a ton more hair than Lilly did at this age and really needs her first real haircut already :(
  • says mama, dada, eye, hi, mine, that
  • can wave hi and bye
  • says night night and hangs on the babygate to go upstairs
  • can crawl up the stairs