Someone Lilly turned 10 months and that was two weeks ago...
And somehow we missed it! Maybe it was due to the fact that she has been super sensitive to any allergy in the air (yeah zirtec) and she had a double ear infection (which makes infections #3 & 4). Oh yeah - did we mention that Paul and I were busy getting ready for a trip to Aruba? But guess what, we all survived! Even the grandparents that came and helped us out by watching the bug in shifts survived!
So here we are at 10 months and 2 weeks and here is a little update. This kid moves fast and she is not even walking yet. She is everywhere and her attention span is around two minutes with one object. She throws tantrums which I think are hilarious but she doesn't get my humor when I laugh at her. She is offically walking along furniture, can move from one object to another if they are close and can walk behind her "walker". We still only have 2 teeth but she has been teething forever it seems with the top two. Hopefully they will break through soon and we can all get some peace around here. We are sleep training some nights and then others she will just sleep through the night. Don't know how she fell out of her awesome sleeping habbits but I long for those days to come back! Even on the nights that she does sleep thru, my alarm clock in my head goes off around the time she has waking and then I am up and she isn't. Maybe I should start screaming thru the monitor to give her a little taste of what it is like to work in a drive thru on the 2 am shift!
This kid still loves to swing or just be outside in general. You can pretty much make her day by just taking her outside. Which is good since Paul and I aren't really inside people. Until of course it is 100 degrees in the shade which in that case, we will see you at the pool.
Here are a some (ok a LOT) videos that we have taken recently - enjoy!