
It's True! You're Two!

Well Dela, after a month of birthday celebrations, your day finally came.  We may have to switch up the way we celebrate because you may have had one of the laziest celebrations ever. After celebrating Lilly's birthday on the 9th, and then your combined party at zoo, we were just tired.  We woke up and had you open your gifts, then Gigi and Pawpaw came over to give you your present and we all went to eat lunch.  The end.

As far as the past year goes, you have grown in spirit but not much in size.  You are still quite the nugget and people are surprised that you are two.  They also talk about all of your hair, your eyes and your voice.  You have the sweetest voice but that may be where it ends.  Little girl you are mean!  You hit, bite, kick for No.Reason.At.All.  I know you are just fighting for your place in this family but lay off and be sweet!

Bidah!  We have no idea what you are saying when you yell this but you are always happy when you say it. So now our family chant when we are having a good time, "Bidah"! (Bee-Dah)

You love balls, babies, bubbles and bath time.  Any of those can put you in a good mood.

You finally have all of your teeth except the two year molars.

You still have the tiniest feet.

You still love your paci and have no intention of giving it up.

You are still very much a momma's girl.

I have enjoyed watching you grow and learn.  I missed so much of this time with your sister because I worked.  You are challenging but it is so fun to hang out with you and experience everything with you.

And next year I promise we will do better on your actual day :)

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