
17 Months

Words, Words, Words...
We say something and ask you to say it and you do.  Sometimes it is pretty clear what you are saying and other times it is definitely a guess.  You sing the ABC song and for the most part it is jibberish until you get to the part  "wonder what you think of me".  We can tell exactly what you are saying.
I am thinking about potty training soon.  You tell me when you go to the bathroom so I know that is one of the first signs that you are ready to start.  I am sure it will take months but better now than never.
Overall you are super happy, easy going kid.  Can't wait to see what the next month has in store.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Paul and Lilly still look so much alike, same cheeks same mouth and same eyes. Love both of you so much.